実は金継ぎと並行して習っている蒔絵!I am learning Makie as well aside from Kintsugi.
I’ve been interested in Makie since I saw those pictures…
Those works are by Natsumi Kawai, who offers small private Kintsugi lessons which is always full and it’s impossible to get a reservation.
私もいつかこんな風にしたい!!! I’d like to have a skill for such a work!!
ということで昨月から、都内で蒔絵を専門的に教えている蒔絵スタジオ祥幹 (しょうかん)の銀座店に、月2回通い始めました◎
So, I started learning Makie from the last month in “Makie Studio Shokan” in Ginza, Tokyo, which is specialized in Makie.
蒔絵スタジオ祥幹 – Makie Studio Shokan
チケット制で5枚21,600-(税込み) + 材料代¥19,980-(税込み) を初日に支払う。
Ticket system: 5 ticket: 21,600 yen (incl. tax) + Material fee 19,980 (incl. tax)
It’s extremely expensive because the material contains real gold powder!
まずは 基礎コースから(線描き2作品、盛上げ2作品の後自由作品)始めて、初級、中級、上級へ進みます。
In the basic course, we can learn drawing lines (2 works) and painting/filling in line (2 works). Then, moving to beginner, middle, and high class.
This is the hardest job; need to polish with power for 30 mins.
But, drawing the lacquer line is the most fun time. (I can’ breathe due to the maximum concentration though lol)
Today, I challenged painting/filling lines with lacquer for my third work.
There are very few participants from 18:00 on Friday (mostly only me).
I really think I’m very diligent to invest in myself at the night of Friday (Actually, no one asks me out… sad)
But the lesson has a teacher and an assistant. (Maybe there are more participants in the day time)
They offer tea and snacks. Of course, I eat them up.
蒔絵×アニメで日本の文化を世界に広めたい – Spreading Japanese culture of Makie with Anime
I believe that “JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure” (Japanese comic) would be the coolest picture for Makie.
線が美しすぎる!What a picturesque line!
I will definitely do Makie with Jojo in the near future!!